دورة الشهادة الاحترافية في إدارة المخاطر الطبية بمدينة جدة (CHRM)

نوع الدورة:

فبراير ، مايو، ستمبر /2023
تاريخ البداية:

جدة - مركز المطورون المثالي

أربعة أيام
مدة الدورة:

1250 دولار أمريكي
قيمة الاشتراك بالدورة:

عربي/ إنجليزي
لغة الدورة:

المعهد الأمريكي للجودة والرعاية الطبية

Introduction to the course:
The CHRM course is designed to help the healthcare professional identify and manage sources of risk as they occur in the healthcare setting. This course will cover the basics of risk management to ethical and legal issues associated with risks in the health environment. By the end of the course, you will have acquired the skills you need to use, maintain, and extend the functionality of a risk management system by effectively using enterprise-wide risk management tools and measures. You'll become aware of U.S. and international regulatory requirements concerning effective risk management and master the skills needed to acquire data from diverse data sources, configure your risk environment, develop appropriate risk factor models, perform risk analysis, and create results-oriented reports.
Course objectives:
• Risk Management (RM) purpose, activities, Healthcare standards, and RM.
• Linking RM with quality improvement, Effective RM.
• Patient safety issues, Informed consent, Documentation, and medical records.
• Ethical and regulatory issues, Environmental safety.
• Medica! errors and adverse occurrences, and Incident variance reporting.
• How to avoid common problems, Practitioner credentialing.
• Negligence, liability, malpractice, Claims management, Employee health.